Monday, April 18, 2016

An Imperfect Christian

   Since I became a follower of Christ I have not been perfect.  I have talked about someone behind their back, I have been jealous, I have struggled with pride, I have lied...(just to name a few sins).  Yet, Jesus never gave up on me and I never stopped trying to be more like Him, and he continues to love me.  Just because you didn't know my struggles doesn't mean they don't exist. I hope you won't throw me away for sharing this...and please let's not mistreat those whose struggles are more obvious than mine.  I've had these struggles AS a Christ follower.  So why are our expectations so warped towards those who are not (Christ followers)?  They should be treated with the same amount of grace that you might extend to me.  Everyone has issues (yes, Bishops and even the Pope), whether you're a Christian or not. 

  Let's make ourselves approachable in such a way as not to come across as some sort of super saint (like we're better than those with struggles).  Let's run toward the messes not away from them.  I love Jesus with all my heart and just as I am forgiven, I'm determined to extend grace and show love to others.  #graceforall

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