Give Us A Try!
I apologize on behalf of ALL the churches who have gotten it wrong. Who have forgotten the purpose for which what we were designed, for all the ways we have pushed away all the people whom we should have been pulling in. For all the ways we've been insular in how we have catered to each other (church people). Forgive us for, in some cases, being down right mean and self-righteous. Please forgive us for doing too much as we've added a whole bunch of "extraness" on top of what it takes to follow Jesus.
If I am ridiculed by my fellow Christian brothers and sisters for being relevant and touchable so that I might win some, oh well. May the love I give and grace I extend to all those who have been turned off by the church, show that it's PEOPLE who have gotten it wrong not the institution that is the church. Jesus never intended for us to add all the "stuff" that we have on top of what it takes to have a relationship with him. He never wanted us to make it difficult for those who want to follow him. God's plan is simple (but not necessarily easy): He wants us to Love him, and love each other.
So, if you never went to church, or stopped going, don't give up. Give us a try. Just find a church that is welcoming to ALL people. Where the only agenda is to love you unconditionally and to share the truths of God's word in culturally relevant way that makes going to church irresistible.
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