It’s not what happens to you that matters most, but, rather, what happens in you.
My children’s book, “Christmas Lemonade,” is the new holiday classic that punctuates this idea. It is a story of how I traversed one of my biggest challenges with a community performing arts program. During the holiday season one year we were tested on a, seemingly, insurmountable level. But we persevered and allowed something amazing to be developed in us that made the trial worth every anxious moment.
When you face your challenges in life remember that what is developed in you is greater. Your life is way bigger than any one aspect or moment of it. Find a way to look beyond yourself/your problem and see the bigger picture. There is a contribution to be made with your life and each trial can provide fuel for your purpose.
Sometimes when you're in need, find a way to give of yourself to someone else who is in need. It will help take your mind off your problems and focus on someone else. Helping others not only provides for them, but it also helps you to feel better knowing that you've provided aid. Also, remember that, "This too shall pass." What you are going through won't last forever. You will smile again.
"Christmas Lemonade," punctuates this theme and is the new holiday classic that I'm sure you will want to read each holiday season to keep you encouraged.
Get your copy on Amazon or at
If you happen to know BeyoncĂ©. Let her know that I’d love her help promoting this book.